Language Teachers: Seeing The Needs, Making a Difference

The NYSAFLT Annual Conference Publication is now available in PDF format. You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to read and print this document.

The publication is broken down into smaller PDFs by article.
Mouse over a headshot to learn more aboutthat person.

Language Teachers:
Seeing the Needs, Making a Difference
Annual Conference Series - No. 25
Annual Conference Publication Editors
Dr. Eileen Angelini
Dr. Mark Warford

Message from the President
Sue Barnes


Historical Perspective
John Carlino

The Board of Directors

Foreign Language Teachers Making a Difference:
Developing Perspectives, Practice, and Products About Second Language Teaching  and Learning Within the Context of a Professional Learning Community

Therese Sullivan Caccavale
K-12 Foreign Language Specialist
Holliston, MA Public Schools

Unity in Planning: LOTE Essentials

Dr. William White
Buffalo State College

Shannon Duggan
University of Missouri

Debra K. Greenway
University of North Texas

From Drill to Performance: Twofold Shifts in Design

Dr. Jennifer Eddy
Assistant Professor of World Language Education
Secondary Education and Youth Services
Queens College, CUNY

Integration of Mathematics, Science, Geography and Art for Teaching and Learning Spanish

Dr. Esther Sehnalek
Chesterbrook Academy

A Professional Development Plan for ACTFL’s 5Cs: Practicing What We Preach

Sidonie Schneider
ESL & Spanish Teacher and
Director of the Staff Resource Center
New Rochelle High School

Dr. Diane W. Gómez

Assistant Professor
Manhattanville College
School of Graduate Education

Creating Connections to Support FLEX/FLES Programming

Dr. Kennedy M. Schultz
Assistant Professor / Modern Language
Canisius College

 Haiti: Too Little Known, Too Long Ignored
A Thematic Unit

(Voted Best in Conference at the
2008 NYSAFLT Annual Conference)

Georgette Schmidt
Jamesville-DeWitt High School

Alice Manning

A Room of One’s Own: Why It Matters to Teachers

Dr. Carol Dean
Assistant Professor
Foreign Language Education
SUNY Oneonta

Mood Choice in Spanish, Italian
and French Relative Clauses

Dr. Christopher D. Sams
Adjunct Instructor of English
Stephen F. Austin State University

Past Publications in the Annual Conference Series

New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Inc. (NYSAFLT)

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Buffalo, New York  14214
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