NYSAFLT Annual Conference Publication

The NYSAFLT Annual Conference Publication is now available in PDF format. You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to read and print each article.

Mouse over a headshot to learn more about that person.

Dr. Eileen Angelini

Dr. William White
Annual Conference Publication Co-Editors
Message from the President
Sue Hochmuth
Historical Perspective
John Carlino
  Board of Directors
Keynote Speech
Toni Theisen
Bridging the Input Gap: Technlogy in the LOTE Classroom
William White, Ph.D.
A Call to Teach The Dangers of Racism in the Classroom
Eileen M. Angelini, Ph.D.
From Explaining to Exemplifying, Exploring, and Extending L2 Grammar: the ZPD-4Ex Axiom
Mark K. Warford, Ph.D.
Haiti: What Can We Do?
Georgette Schmidt
How Educators Influence Heritage Language Speakers' View of Themselves
A. Michael Vermy
Le bénévolat au Québec : une jolie façon de côtoyer la belle province
Jeremy Sites
The NetGeneration and Education: Enhancement of the Foreign Language Classroom Through Integration of Digital Information Resources
Debra Greenway
New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Inc. (NYSAFLT)
2400 Main Street
Buffalo, New York  14214
716.836.3130 | 716.836.3020 (f)