Annual Conference Publication
The NYSAFLT Annual Conference Publication is now available in PDF format. You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer in order to read and print each article.

Mouse over a headshot to learn more about that person.

Dr. William White
Annual Conference Publication Co-Editor

Dr. Rita Goldberg
Annual Conference Publication Co-Editor
Message from the Editors 

Message from the President
Nancy Ketz
Historical Perspective
John Carlino
  NYSAFLT Board of Directors
  CAES Leadership
Does Mi vida loca Really Inspire Students
To Learn Spanish?

Juan Antonio Thomas, Ph.D
Foreign Language Early Start Programs
Eliane McKee, Ph.D
Seven Best Practices for the Foreign Language Classroom
Christopher D. Sams, Ph.D

Peer Formative Assessment Improves Student Fluency

Modern Language Mobile Learning Apps
Harry Grover Tuttle, Ph.D
Celebrating New Opportunities
Virginia H. Stelk
New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Inc. (NYSAFLT)
2400 Main Street
Buffalo, New York  14214
716.836.3130 | 716.836.3020 (f)